Friday, August 29, 2008

The Nie Nie Recovery Fund

Many of you may have heard about this but many have not. A little family from Utah Valley - I believe - was in an airplane crash and they have four little children. The parents have burns throughout their bodies and I've just be touched by the online community's charity in the auctions that have been donated. Please visit the link here
to learn more about this tragic accident and also take a look at some of the items up for auction. You may also just donate if you so desire. I believe all the auction proceeds will be donated to the Nie Nie recovery fund. I can't imagine the thoughts of those four darling children where both their mom and dad are severly burned.

I'm happy about the fact that I noticed that this is also my 100th entry into this blog. What a special way to celebrate this benchmark!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I've tried to fix the date thing on my blog at least 5 or 6 times. I've even checked with google to see if they can fix it. If you know how to do it - please share that info.