Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Fall Update

Solitude Fun

Cousin Fun
Gymnastics Fun

Because she's cute in dad's baseball cap.
My darling mom as a child.

Left to Right. Brent, Janice, Marilyn, and Cheryl.

Allie got braces! She went from this to...

To this! 

The house dressed up for Fall. This is a big deal because I don't get to update our house to fall decor until November 1 since Halloween gets precedence.

One morning, I hacked into Jason's phone and set a reminder for him to buy his wife something romantical. That is a made up word that we share.  He brought home these. Very kind!

We had Thanksgiving at our house this year. It was seriously so awesome! I loved it! My parents came down and Wood's moved their dinner to our house. We got a load of snow the day before, the day of and I think the day after.  It was awesome to see people using our back field as a snow track for pulling tubes behind Razors. I love where we live.
Christmas in Color was cool. We went with the Egan's. 
Ellyse had a science project that she had to complete varying the amount of yeast and temperature used to make bread.  I think she did a fine job! It was amazing to come home to someone cooking homemade bread!!
One of the very best things to happen in a long time happened in December.  Kaylie, my old dance mate and teacher opened up her current dance class to anyone who wanted to come.  Ellyse and I jumped at the opportunity to go and dance you guys, it was like I had been magically transported back to high school to my dance classes except I got to bring my daughter and enjoy that time with her too.  She taught a traditional jazz class, just like we used to have.  She taught a jazz dance to a song that I actually danced to back in the day. It was phenomenal! Seriously, the best. We had an amazing time and can't wait until there's another opportunity to do it again.  I really feel like I got an early Christmas gift. 

Just a photo of what I do best, chill.

Ellyse got her learner's permit!  She passed her test the very first time!! I was so nervous for her.  She was so nervous as well but did amazing!  We went out to dinner to celebrate.
And for the piece de resistance, enjoy this video of Siri making us laugh.
Happy Fall Y'all!

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