Monday, October 22, 2018

Remodel of Desk

Allie had been asking for a desk to put in her new room for a while.  We'd already spent a bunch on upgrades to the house and I wasn't looking forward to spending 100+ to get her a table and then a chair to boot. We'd looked online and she had very specific details that she wanted in her desk. 
One day, I had a feeling that I can only attribute to the Spirit that told me to go the DI.  Sure enough, this beaut was just sitting there waiting for me to take it home.  Again, sorry for the photo's not being turned.  I'm going on hour 2 or of updating the blog and I'm pretty much at the not caring point.

 I got some advice from a lady that updates furniture and took that advice.  Can I just say how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE our garage!!  17 years without one will make you appreciate them more fully.

Whalla!  Yay!  Allie picked out the hardware.  I think all in all, it cost us about 50.

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