Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Easter 2017

Ah Easter.  A beautiful time of year that we take the time to celebrate our Lord and Savior's resurrection egg hunts!
A few weeks before Easter, Jason's work does a really good egg hunt. The kids go away with tons of stuff.
Take a good look at how much stuff is on the ground.

Seriously though. Look at how full those bags are.

It's a bit of a family tradition to stop and see the chicks and ducks at IFA after that particular hunt.

For Family Home Evening, we dyed the eggs and hopefully, included a quick lesson on the true meaning of Easter.  See, Jason's demonstrating the part about how we die first, then comes resurrection.

Easter at Egan's. No egg hunt this year.  Wahoo!!!  Poor Allie though.  She wasn't as happy with this new development.

Easter morning.

Easter morning videos.

Easter at the Wood's house.  Yay!  Allie got her egg hunt.
Each grandchild got to find eggs, a sucker, and a SPARKLING EGG!  They each got a special surprise in these eggs.
Wood's egg hunt.

I forgot how hard it is to get a good photo of a lot of little kids.  I'm going to go ahead and include the ones that didn't quite make the cut because they're pretty funny.

Here's the best one. Sorry little dude.

Losing the littlest one quickly.

Annnd that's a wrap!  All in under 15 seconds.

ps.  Yes, we do in fact teach our kids about the incredible importance of the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful for the knowledge that I have of Jesus Christ's life, death, and resurrection.  I know that Jesus Christ lives and knows of our individual lives and helps us each day. If you would like to know more about our faith, please click here.

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