It's so beautiful up there and the weather is nice especially when it's in the 90's in SLC. Here are a few pictures of our trip.

I guess I ought to warn you of the amount of photos to come. :)
Here's a rundown of what happened. We visited The Mayan.

The girls loved it!! I was excited to finally show them that cool place. We sat right next to the pool area so we had great seats. :)
We went to the Tracy Aviary one day and learned all kinds of things about the birds.

(These are cuckoo birds. Awww. So cute :) )
We got to experience feeding some REALLY loud parrots. It was nuts! Actually, we fed them apples but you know. hee, hee. It was a really fun experience! The girls cried and screamed and we all were trying to not get hit in the head with the birds but overall, it was amazing to be able to sit there with an apple on the end of your finger and have all these beautiful birds land on your arms and hands and eat them out of it. Kind of like Snow White. :)

We also had our annual game night (which is my fave!!!) We bring out the snacks and hit the cards and board games and there's always good conversations abounding!!
One day we ended up at Discovery Gateway.

Grouponlead us to a place calledHollywood Connection. We weren't expecting anything exciting but man, were we ever wrong! They had a roller coaster, bumper cars (so fun!), a Carousal, and two more large rides, an arcade, and all of it was indoors. Plus, there were no lines so we just kept going on all the rides over and over again. Here's Ellyse and I on the Carousal.

We went swimming in their heated pool. Yep, heated pool.

Are you beginnning to understand why we like it so much? What? Not convinced yet? Well, take a look at this.

Another attraction we hit was the Living Planet Aquarium.

We thought it'd be fun to take a nice little hike up the mountain side that was steps from our front door. Thanks to Lance, we got a sick, crazy, insane trek STRAIGHT up the mountain. Yeah. This women figured out real quick that she is low on the totum pole when it comes to kicking some mountain trash. I did get some great shots though.

One morning we ate at a cute little cafe up by Solitude and it was a bit nippy that morning so we ordered hot cocoa. So, this is what came.

It was so super fun and we can't wait to go back!!
Alright, now on to the other trips.
Aug 10-11th - Girls camp. Nuf said.
Aug 19-21st we celebrated our 10th Annivesary. We headed up to the Bear Lake/Logan area to eat and then we set up camp. If I knew I'd be not only be camping on my 10th annivesary but I'd be the one planning the camp trip on my 10th anniversary, I'd have shot myself in the head. But alas, yes, in order to save some dough and experience something different, we stayed one night at Beaver Mountain, camping out. The next day we headed out on the horses for 2 1/2 hours.

Soreness doesn't really incompass the word needed in order to describe our pain. We. Could. Hardly. Bend. Over. :) Despite that, it was still a lot of fun!
We did get to stay at the Anniversary Inn the next night though and that made up for a lot. :)

Logan is a cute little city and we got to see more of it this last month than I ever thought I'd see in a months time.
And now we spill into Sept 2-5. We headed up camping once again (my poor allergies!!)to Hyrum Lake. We had lots of fun relaxing and going into the Logan area to dine out. (I know, hard camping Jul, right) But hey, that's great in my mind!! We also headed to a fun center and played a few rounds of laser tag. I haven't played laser tag since high school and it totally showed!! I think my first score was 25.
Stop laughing!
It's hard for some people.
I got about 425 points the next round. See? Improvement!!
We also stopped by the Logan zoo. I know, I didn't believe they had one either but it was one of my favorite things we did! It was so peaceful and they had some really cool animals! They had a porcupine! I was shocked! I'd never seen one that close before. Oh, and just so you know, they stink! Bad. Like really bad. They even had a bald eagle and some monkeys. It was a nice evening! I was super glad to get out of the "fresh air" though because my allergies were killing me!!!

This is a pathetic picture that I took as we were cleaning up camp. I realized I hadn't taken one picture that whole weekend (you're probably rejoicing) so I hurried and snapped this one. We camped right on the lake and it was beautiful.
Oh, and we're headed back up to Logan in a few days to go to our really good friends sealing. I'm so stocked about this! So, Logan is the city of the month(s) I guess.
Such a fun few weeks! Thanks to the Wood's for all the great memories and time together! Now, you can be grateful because you're done reading. :)
hey I think that is the same spot we stay at when we go to Hyrum Lake (it's got great shade and close to bathrooms!)EXCEPT this year we stayed in one of the cabins
Really? Yeah, that's exactly why we stay there too! It's a nice little area to camp! We checked out the cabins while we were there and they were pretty small. Did you like them and or did they have a bathroom inside them?
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